I've been looking forward to this month's International Incident Party. As always, it's hosted by the lovely Penny from the Jeroxie blog. This month's theme is Cake pops. Some might say that they are the new cupcakes. They're cute, they're cool and they're fun and easy to make. I've made cake balls before but have never made pops. Bakerella is known worldwide for this little ball of sweetness. You can see her demonstrate on how to make them here.

There may be many steps to create these little cakes but it is actually quite easy to make. I wanted to make Easter Cake pops and I got my daughter to help decorate them. It's a great kitchen project for children. They can get really creative.
You don't have to freshly bake a cake just to make cake pops (though you can, of course) but you can use left over cake trimmings. Just freeze any left over cake (no icing) in the freezer. It can keep for a few months. When needed just defrost in the fridge.
I had left over devil's food cake from when I made my Christmas cake balls. Instead of using the usual cheese cream frosting, I used a can of dulce de leche. I make these from cans of condense milk. You can get recipe here. The dulce de leche makes it luscious and sweet, just the way Hubby and my children like it. You don't have to make balls, you can make any shape you like. I experimented and made little bunnies too.
To make cake pops:
Crumble the cake until until it resembles bread crumbs. Add about a third of a can of dulce de leche and mix thoroughly until the mixture is moist enough to make balls. Don't add too much dulce de leche or the mixture becomes too sticky and hard to shape.
Take a heaped tablespoon of the mixture and roll in the palm of your hands. Shape the balls into eggs and place on baking paper on a tray. Place in the refrigerator for about an hour to harden a little.
Melt chocolate in a bowl over barely simmering water until shiny and smooth. Take a lollipop stick and dip about 1cm of it into the chocolate. Insert the stick about half way into the cake pop. Let it set for a minute.
Dip the cake pop into the chocolate and cover the whole cake. Don't move it around too much as you might lose some crumbs into the chocolate or the cake might come off the stick. You can decorate straight away with sprinkles or any lollies or you can let the chocolate harden and then decorate with liquid gel pens.
Deanna had fun decorating them |
Dry the cake pops by sticking them into styrofoam. Or you can do what I did and stuck it in a box that I made little holes in.

What a fun activity to have your mom-daughter bonding time. I would have loved to do this too with you guys. They look so dainty and I'm sure delightful to eat them!
Very cute egg shapes! I also like the idea of the dulce de leche, though I worry about it being overly sugary if not used wisely.
I also did the cake pop dipping with my kiddo and he was enjoying it, probably would like it more if there were more colors and things to do besides the dipping... he was more interested in eating them!
Great idea to reuse cake trimmings. Will bear that in mind for next batch. And how cute are you shapes!
You had me a dulce de leche - yum! Your Easter cake pops turned out absolutely adorable!
Cherie, you and your daughter make it all look so easy! And I love the Easter theme and Hello Kitty, by the way.
I'm so impressed by everyone's efforts with this IIP! I'm not very patient when it comes to decorating-involving baking, so I decided to keep up my spectator role :) So fun to make these with your family!
Excellent idea to follow an Easter theme :) Love the colours, and the texture would be a nice change from the usual eggs!
So cute, I have been looking for a special activity to do with my nieces and i think this would be just perfect!
Look at Deanna.. hard at work and concentration there! The bunny looks so cute!
totally gorgeous!! perfect for Easter.
and what a cute little helper you have!
These are totally adorable and what a fabulous idea for Easter. How fun that your daughter got to decorate them - all the time I was making mine, I couldn't help but think that I needed a child around to share in the joy and the mess LOL!
Oh too cute! Love your festive shapes =D.
These are so cute and pretty! Love the way you decorated the cake pops together with your daughter.
Happy Easter!
Ah, what a great Easter Theme! And what a lucky little helper you have there. Have you managed to eat them all by now?
Wow you did such an awesome job, paired with your daughter too! They turned out beautifully
Doh! Maybe that's why mine weren't a success - I didn't have a child to do them with. I should have borrowed yours! ;)
(Yours look excellent, btw!)
I love everything about these - the shapes, colors, flavor and even the use of leftover cake! So sweet in so many ways! 8-)
Great job. It looks great.
i have yet to make cake pops but the minute i heard dulce de leche well cake pop making here i come! these look great. thanks for the step by step!
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