8 February 2011

Cook Book Challenge : Bibimbap

Theme 3: Rice/Noodles
Cookbook : Jill Dupleix - Lighten up
Recipe : Korean Bibimbap

I was looking forward to this fortnight's theme.  I actually haven't had Korean Bibimbap before but Hubby had it once and really liked it and asked me to cook it.    I found the recipe in Jill Dupleix's book.  I have to admit I don't know much about Korean food so I also did a little bit of research and found a good recipe by Kitchen wench.  So below is a recipe by Jill with a little inspiration from Kitchen Wench' version.

250g beef mince
4 tbs soy sauce
1 1/2 tbs sesame oil
salt and pepper
100g baby spinach, washed
1 carrot, peeled and cut into matchsticks
1 small zucchini, cut into matchstick
1 medium onions, sliced
100g bean sprouts
sesame oil
fish sauce
hot cooked rice
4 eggs

1.  Marinate the beef mince in the soy sauce and sesame oil for 1 hour.
2.  Saute the carrots in a little bit of oil.  Add a small splash of fish sauce and sesame oil.  Remove and set aside in a bowl.
3. Saute the baby spinach, onions, zucchini and bean sprouts, the same as the carrots.
4.  Cook the mince, including the marinade, until well done.
5.  Fry the eggs, sunny side up.
6.  Divide the rice in 4 bowls and add the the meat and vegetables on top.  Place the fried egg on top.
7.  Serve with thick chilli sauce or Korean Gochujang.

Check out my previous posts on this year's CookBook Challenge


/* */ Hannah said...

Bibimbap completely appeals to the compulsive snacker in me. All the different fun bites to interchange and play wiht before mixing it all up! Your version looks fantastic :)

/* */ Kat (Spatula, Spoon and Saturday) said...

Ooooh I want

/* */
Anonymous said...

Wow! This looks fabulous! I love having bibimbap when I dine at Korean restaurants because they are so fun to eat; I like the mixing part :) I have never made one myself because I always think that it's time-consuming (I'm pretty lazy sometimes). Did it take you a long while to make this?

/* */ Queenotisblue said...

I love Korean food and particularly bibimbap because of all the bits and pieces you get in it. I'd love to give this a try.

/* */ Michelle @ On and Off My Plate said...

This looks so good....I just love an egg on top of almost anything.

/* */ Unknown said...

Hi Cherrie - Love the egg on top. I think I could eat A LOT of this!

/* */ penny aka jeroxie said...

this is something that I will like to make as well! Well done.

/* */ Iron Chef Shellie said...

Well done Cherrie! I've never though to attempt one at home.

/* */ Unknown said...

Ohh that looks lovely. Good job.

/* */ ck said...

Your Bibimbap looks great. I love eating Korean food but have never made any. Thanks for sharing!

/* */ Cherrie Pie said...

Hi Kayla, It didn't take long to make but it is a little fiddly as there are lots of different components. However, it is worth it all.

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