
18 May 2011

Cook Book Challenge : Hush Puppies

Theme 8 : Crunchy
Cook Book : Jamie Oliver.  Jamie's America
Recipe : Hush Puppies

I love this cook book.  I've made a few things from it already.  I was keen on making hush puppies because I've heard of it many times but didn't actually know what it was or what it tasted like.

It's very crunchy and it's moorish.  It's quite easy and takes no time to make. This would go really well with a nice cold beer.  We had it as a side for dinner.  Even though there is beer in the batter, it's not too strong in it.  It's perfect for children as all children love crunchy finger food.

recipe: (makes 25-30)
300g fine cornmeal or polenta
100g self-raising flour
300ml bottle of beer
100g of sweetcorn (I used frozen)
4 spring onions, sliced finely
120g grated cheese
salt and pepper
vegetable oil for deep frying

1.  Put the cornmeal and flour into a bowl, add your beer and leave to sit for a few minutes.  Add the corn, spring onions, cheese and pinch of salt and pepper.
2.  Using a fork, mix well.
3.  Heat the oil in a large pot or pan on a high heat until it reaches 180degC
4.  Using a tablespoon, carefully drop spoonfuls of the batter mixture into the oil.
5.  Let them fry for about 3-4 minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon, and drain on kitchen paper towel.
6.  Serve with a sprinkling of a little sea salt.  Best eaten while hot.

You can check out previous posts on my 2011 cook book challenge here.

Bon Appetite,


  1. oh yum!! gotta love corn in anyway or form... especially the crunchy form. make the mountain meatballs... even if you do them small, they are amazing!! gotta make them again.

  2. I love this book too and have made so many dishes from it....
