
20 April 2011

Easter Bread and Butter Pudding

I love mid week desserts.  Especially ones that are quick and easy to make.  I particularly like the ones that only requires a quick assembly before easily placing in the oven.   I can sit back, make a cup of tea or coffee and just wait for the pudding to be baked.

My family loves bread and butter pudding.  It's especially special when I use Hot cross buns.  We had a packet in the freezer (when I over eagerly bought too many packets and couldn't consume prior to the use by date) and it would be a shame not to use it in this pudding.   This recipe is inspired by Nigella Lawson's recipe but as usual, I tweaked it a bit to make it my own.  In the recipe, the buns (or bread) is smothered with lots of butter and jam.  I used strawberry jam but you can use any flavour of jam, maramalde or conserve.  It gives it an extra umph to the dish so it's not all one flavour as you eat your way through.    

The pudding is best served straight of the oven with custard but can easily be eaten with cream or ice cream or if you're so inclined, eat it by itself.

1 packet of hot cross buns
strawberry jam
4 egg yolks
1 egg
3 tbs caster sugar
500ml thickened cream
200ml full fat cream
2 tbs demerara sugar

1.  Preheat oven to 180degC
2.  Slice the hot cross buns in half
3.  Spread the buns with butter and strawberry jam
4.  Place in an ovenproof dish, spreading out evenly
5.  Make the custard by placing the egg, egg yolks, cream, milk and sugar in a small bowl and mix to combine
6.  Pour the custard over the bread and let sit for 10 minutes for the custard to seep into the bread
7.  Sprinkle the demerara sugar on top
8.  Bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes
9.  Serve warm with custard.

Happy Easter!

Bon Appetite,


  1. mmmmmm..... if I wasn't so food comatose I'd be wanting this!

    lol, at buying too many buns!

  2. Looks really good, makes me want ot make breed pudding too!

    Happy Easter, Cherry!

  3. Hi,

    I just found your blog via Iron Chef Shellie. SO happy I found it, I've been going through your Filipino recipes. My dad is there at the moment visiting his family, I'm picking him up on Wednesday from the airport. The FOOD is one of the things I miss most about not being there. There is nothing quite like fish like my Tia's cooking or lechon cooked for a big party.

    Now following your blog, I can't wait to see your future Filipino posts.

  4. The buns look so delicious. Such a perfect look for hanging out with friends! And now I’m dying for one of those buns. I can only imagine how delicious with the butter in the middle, too!

  5. That looks wonderful. My brother would love bread puddings.
