
13 April 2011

Cook Book Challenge : Chocolate Meringue Roll

Theme 6 : Celebration
Cookbook : Australian Women's Weekly.  Cook
Recipe : Meringue roll

I love this cookbook.  It has nearly everything in it and I want to cook nearly everything in it.  It's my "go to" book when I can't find a recipe in my other cook books.

For the Celebration theme, I wanted to make something for my sister in law's birthday.  She was having a little family gathering and since she had just given birth to my beautiful nephew a couple weeks ago, family were bringing dishes to contribute to the party.

I decided to make a Chocolate meringue roll.  I changed the recipe a little because I wanted to include the last of my kalamansi that I harvested from my tree.

The recipe was just plain vanilla meringue but I added cocoa powder and sprinkled flaked almonds to add a crunch so the dessert is not all one texture. The filling was vanilla cream and kalamansi curd. I used the left over curd to fill my Easter chocolate creme egg cupcakes.  I have made the kalamansi curd so many times and I prefer it to lemon.  It has a little sweetness to it that the kalamansi has though the curd is still quite tart.

4 egg whites
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 tbs cocoa powder
2 tbs of extra caster sugar
1/2 cup thickened cream, whipped
50g flaked almonds
kalamansi curd.  (you can get the recipe here)

1.  Preheat the oven to 200degC (180degC fanforced).  Grease and line a swiss roll pan (26cm x 323cm)
2.  Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form.  Add the sugar, one tablespoon at a time, beating until the sugar dissolves between each addition. Sift the cocoa powder into the egg whites and gently fold in.
3.  Spread the mixture into the baking pan, and sprinkle the flaked almonds evenly.
4.  Bake for about 10-12 minutes or until browned lightly.
5.  Turn meringue onto baking paper, that has been sprinkled with the extra caster sugar.  Gently peel away the lining paper and let stand for 2 minutes.
6.  Spread the whipped cream onto the cake leaving about 2-3cm along the edge.  Spread the kalamansi curd on top.
7.  Using the baking paper as support, roll the meringue firmly from the long side.  Transfer carefully onto serving dish.
8.  Refrigerate at least 30 minutes before serving.

You can see my previous posts for this years CookBook Challenge here.

Bon Appetite,


  1. I love that you added almonds for the crunchy texture and calamansi, of course.

  2. I love that book too and the other blue book! What a great way to use up egg whites too, as long as you don't use the yolks for the filling lol.

  3. I love kalamansi.. I think this dish is amazing!

  4. I can just taste the crunch and goo in my mouth. And it's kalamsi. YUM!

  5. Oh my goodness! Your Meringue Roll is making me drool. That is perfect with a cup of freshly brewed strong coffee. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I'm away for a week and the cookbook challenge leaves my brain space!! Better get onto it again!

    Gorgeous photos, looks deeeeelicious!

  7. Need to check out that book.
    And so envious of your kalamansi supply!

  8. Great job and the curd looks so lucious. Bet your sister loved it.

  9. Love this chocolate meringue roll! Must try this one. I might not be able to do as good as you did. But will def try it. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I have the other two - Bake and Kitchen - and I LOVE them. Bake is my go to book whenever I want to bake something. Will have to check out Cook too!

  11. Good job. I generally suck at swiss rolls. it looks great.
