
22 March 2011

Mamon (Filipino Sponge Cakes) for Harmony Day

Harmony Day celebrates multiculturalism in Australia.  It is celebrated on March 21st every year. The message for Harmony Day 2011 is "Everybody belongs".  You can find out more about Harmony Day here.

Deanna's Kindergarten celebrated the cultural diversity at it's school by asking the students to bring in a national dish and to wear their national costume.  This introduces the children to each other's different backgrounds and learn how to appreciate and respect them.

Deanna in her English Soccer strip holding a Filipino Mamon
I made Mamon for Deanna to take into Kindergarten.  I love Mamon but I haven't had it in years and I've never made it before.  My parents brought these tins back from the Philippines for me so I was able to make them in these.

Mamon is popular in the Philippines and are sold in bakeries all over the country. It's a light and fluffy sponge cake and it doesn't need any filling or frosting.  It is always baked in individual portions and not as big cakes.

I found this recipe on the internet.  It seems like it's the most popular one.  I'm not sure who originally posted it as it's been replicated on many sites.  So, to who's recipe this is, I thank you.

This recipe filled 8 brioche tins or one 12 hole muffin tin.

Recipe :
1 cup self raising flour
1 cup caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract.
6 eggs, separated
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp cream of tartar

1.  Preheat oven to 160degC(fanforced).  If using brioche tins, brush with butter, making sure to cover the whole tin. If using muffin tins, line with paper cups
2.  In a bowl, beat the egg whites and cream of tartar till soft peaks.  Gradually add the sugar while beating.  Add the vanilla and vegetable oil.
3.  Sift the self raising flour and baking powder twice.  Sift once more into the egg whites. Keep beating on low.
4.  Add the egg yolks one at a time, beating in between each addition until just combined.
5.  Pour into prepared tins about 2/3 the way up
6.  Bake for about 20-25 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.
7.  Let cool completely in the tin before turning out of the tins.

Bon Appetite,


  1. wow, mamon in its original form. how neat is that? they look soft and moist too. I hope to get these tins as pasalubong soon too haha. paging friends and relatives who are coming over here haha.

    your daughter is soooo cute. she looks so happy bringing the mamon to school.

  2. yum! another filipino delight!
    and how cute is Deanna? x

  3. I guess it's your mamon recipe now, mare! :) I love your parents, always bringing you pasalubong. Maybe they can adopt me, haha.
    Gonna have to try this soon. :)

  4. your daughter is so cute! you are spoiling her with all the delicious goodies.

  5. I can never get sick of Mamon, I love your mamon moulds...will try to bribe my parents to bring me some=)
